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Programs & Services

Here are some ways you can donate:

Here at the Fresno Area Hispanic Foundation, we offer a wide variety of services to its members and community. From office space to funding we are able to help small businesses get up and running and ready to share their goods and services to the San Joaquin Economy and Community.


Since it's opening, FAHF's Downtown Business HubSince has been able to incubate over 80 small businesses. Currently, the DBH is home to 20 in-house businesses and 12 virtual businesses.


If you are interested in opening your own business and would like more information on how we can help you, check out some of the programs and services we can provide you with below. 






Technical Assistance

Step by step assistance to help launch or expand your small business. 

Micro-Loan Program

Assitance for minority-owned businesses in gaining capital. 


We offer Women entrepreneurs opportunities to expand their network & business


Business development workshops that provide business owners with entrepreneurial knowledge.

Downtown Business Hub

A business incubator, & one-stop-shop for small businesses seeking growth. 

Fuel Your Business Growth With SCALE

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Title VI of the Civil Rights Act: Prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance, while Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination based on disability in such programs. 

Your Connection To Business.

Phone: 559-222-8705

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